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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Word Wall

A new grade level means it's time for a new word wall!  . . . and, yes, I'm seriously excited about changing up the alphabet in my classroom.  

I've always meant to make a banner for my alphabet/word wall, so, being that I needed a set of cursive letters, this was the perfect push to get me to create one.

The classroom already had a word wall set up, but it was a little too generic for my taste.


Being that I was already making a word wall, I also decided it was time to update my sight words.  And, being that I updated my sight words, it was was time to update my sight word dictionary.  And so the process began!

After several months of playing with fonts and backgrounds, the final product is complete!

I am thrilled with the outcome!  Pictures of the Alphabet Banner and words will be coming soon.

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