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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Word Wall Banner How To

Since moving back to first grade, I've been working on adding a new and improved alphabet banner to my classroom.  Here's a quick tutorial on how to assemble the banner in your own classroom.

To begin, of course you need to cut out your banner.  There was a lot of glare on my laminated banner last year, so this year I chose not to laminate my banner and instead used 110lb cardstock.

The next step is a tried and true secret I learned from another teacher last year.  Slice slits into both sides of the top of your banner.  You really don't need to be too exact with your slits because they don't show once the banner is held up.  In fact, I found the larger the slit the better.

 The next step is pretty straightforward - slide your ribbon through the slits, starting with Z and working your way backward.

Finally, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, don't forget to tape down your ribbon.  This is a step I forgot to do last year and learned the hard way as I was standing on top of a ladder in my classroom trying to hold my banner in one hand, staple gun in the other, and rearrange the banner in my other.  Being that I only have two hands, this didn't work too well.

Don't forget to pick up the banner at our store on TPT.

Happy Decorating!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Word Wall

A new grade level means it's time for a new word wall!  . . . and, yes, I'm seriously excited about changing up the alphabet in my classroom.  

I've always meant to make a banner for my alphabet/word wall, so, being that I needed a set of cursive letters, this was the perfect push to get me to create one.

The classroom already had a word wall set up, but it was a little too generic for my taste.


Being that I was already making a word wall, I also decided it was time to update my sight words.  And, being that I updated my sight words, it was was time to update my sight word dictionary.  And so the process began!

After several months of playing with fonts and backgrounds, the final product is complete!

I am thrilled with the outcome!  Pictures of the Alphabet Banner and words will be coming soon.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Getting Organized

It's that time again!

At the end of every year I start looking through my August/September files and wonder, "Will this be the year I use those 24 copies of the Back to School Maze I copied off back in 2009?"

I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in making that tough decision of whether to recycle those copies or put them back in the file.

This year I made the leap and did what I've been avoiding for too many years.

This is actually a much neater picture of the mess that ensued following my decision.